If the reference is omitted, it is plagiarism. Plagiarism is the impersonation of another's work, which is the most flagrant violation of the author's rights. In writing a thesis, you should also avoid suspicion of plagiarism.
It is considered plagiarism:
- quoting verbatim an idea or passage written by another author without giving the name of the original author and without using quotation marks,
- quoting the ideas of another author as one's own (omitting the name of the original author and including the idea or passage written by the author with a minimum of modification of its structure and content).
Plagiarism screening/similarity check
- The University of Debrecen also performs plagiarism screening/similarity analysis using the Turnitin and iThenticate filters. As a student, full registration is not possible.
- During the plagiarism/similarity check, the thesis will be uploaded to the Turnitin closed system. During the check, the software searches for matches between the online content it covers and the essay currently being examined. A possible match does not in itself constitute plagiarism, since if the author of the essay has cited the relevant part in accordance with the citation rules, no infringement has been committed.
- Important: The fact that a possibly low value is found does not mean that the essay cannot contain a plagiarised part. Regardless of the result of the screening, the checker will still scrutinise the essay and, if necessary, ask the question
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2024. 11. 18. 10:14