Submitting a thesis
- The thesis can only be submitted with the approval of the thesis supervisor (and external consultant).
- The thesis must be
- be uploaded to boththe E-learning system and the DEA system
- be submitted in two copies, printed and bound. After the final examination, one bound thesis is returned to the student and the other is kept by the department.
- The student must upload the thesis to e-learning in PDF format by 15 November 2024. After uploading the thesis, the University will check it for authenticity and similarity. Based on the result, the Department may require the thesis to be modified or corrected. The DEA system will be updated by 17 November 2024.
- Students must submit 2 bound copies of the final version to the Department by 30 November 2024.
The following documents must be uploaded to e-learning:
- The full text of the thesis in pdf format (file name: Surname_Title_Name_Neptun code_thesis)
- The structure of the thesis:
- Internal title page
- Thesis assignment form - to be prepared by the Department, signed by the Head of Department, to be included in pdf or image format
- Declaration of compliance with thesis rules - to be signed by the student, to be included in pdf or image format
- Summary in Hungarian
- English summary
- Table of contents
- List of abbreviations where appropriate, list of tables, list of figures
- Introduction
- Chapters of the thesis
- Summary
- Bibliography
- Annexes
Legutóbbi frissítés:
2024. 11. 18. 09:51