Home Thesis Defence and grade for Thesis II
- In the Home Thesis Defence, students have to present their thesis in front of the Department.
- The grade received for the Home Thesis Defence will be the grade for Thesis II course.
- The grade received for Thesis II will not be counted in the grade for the Thesis Defence but the Final Exam Committee will be informed about it.
Grade of the Review
- After the thesis submission an independent external reviewer will evaluate your thesis.
- The review will be announced after the submission of the thesis and before the Final Exam for the student to prepare for the Thesis Defence.
- The evaluation will not be counted in the grade for the Thesis Defence but the Final Exam Committee will get the review as well.
- If the reviewer evaluates the thesis firmly as fail, the Department makes an assessment. If thesis has been evaluated with a fail mark by the reviewer and the Department, then the student is not allowed to take the Final Exam and is supposed to prepare a new or a modified thesis. The student has to be notified of the decision.
Grade for Thesis Defence
- The Final Exam Committee will give the grade of the Thesis Defence.
- The Thesis Defence is part of the Final Exam.
- The grade of the Final Exam is the average of the grades awarded for the oral part of the Final Exam and Thesis Defence.
The Final Exam Committee will receive regarding the thesis:
- Grade for Thesis II
- Review
Last update:
2023. 10. 16. 15:11