
More than 3200 square metres have been added to the University of Debrecen's Faculty of Technology building complex on the Ótemető Street campus. The new, two-storey facility primarily houses teaching units, laboratories, student community spaces and offices. Balázs Hankó, the Minister of Culture and Innovation, called the University of Debrecen an outstanding example of renewed Hungarian higher education at the inauguration ceremony on Friday.

An exhibition of models and photographs focusing on the modern architecture of Brno between the two world wars has been opened at the community space known as Szárító műhely (Drying House) of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Debrecen, on the street called Szombathi István utca. The exhibition will be open to the public until April 8.

A delegation from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics visited at the University of Debrecen recently to hold talks on channels of cooperation in education and mobility. This institution of higher education, which is one of China's leading universities producing unmanned aerial vehicles, is now planning to offer dual degree courses.

Our students majoring in mechanical engineering at the University of Debrecen can now acquire the most up-to-date knowledge in the new Krones Hungary Géptervező Laboratórium [Krones Hungary Machine Design Laboratory], which has been established as a result of the cooperation between the Faculty of Engineering and the company Krones Hungary Kft. This unit, which is equipped with state-of-the-art computers, software and measuring instruments, was inaugurated on Tuesday in the Faculty's Ótemető utca building in the presence of managers both from the university and the company.


For the first time a total of 8 students successfully passed their final exam and graduated from Professi...