Dr. József Menyhárt

Dr. József Menyhárt is the Head of Department, an Associate Professor, responsible for the Vehicle Engineering BSc,program, a Mechanical Engineer (MSc, University of Debrecen), Building Engineer (MSc, University of Debrecen), a Lean Engineer (MSc, University of Debrecen). He holds a PhD degree (Military Engineering Science, Óbuda University).
He has several years of industrial engineering experience: NI Hungary ltd., FAG Magyaroszág ltd. (Schäffler Group), EDC Debrecen Urban and Economic Development Center, Medikai Innováció ltd.
His main research areas are optimization of autonomous electric vehicles energy management system and operation with artificial intelligence and maintenance and production systems optimization.
Dr. Zsolt Tiba

Dr. Zsolt Tiba habil. is a College Professor, responsible for the Professional Pilot BSc program, a Mechanical Engineer, Machine Constructor Specialization (MSc, Technical University of Heavy Industry). He holds a PhD degree (Engineering Science, Gödöllő University of Agricultural Sciences).
He has several years of industrial engineering experience: DEFÉM Kft. in Debrecen and Walterscheid GmbH in Germany.
His main research areas are dynamic analyze of drivetrains, drivetrain optimization, analyze of vehicle constructions.
He has Private Pilot License since 2022.
Prof. Dr. Géza Husi

Prof. Dr. Husi Géza dékán, tanszékvezető, egyetemi tanár, okleveles gépészmérnök (MSc, Gépészmérnöki Kar, Termelésrendszerek, 1987), mechatronikai mérnök (MSc, Nagyváradi Egyetem, haladó mechatronikai rendszerek szakirány, 2014), PhD: Hadtechnikai Tudományok (2006), Zrínyi Miklós Egyetem honvédelmi szak, habilitált: Informatika, Debreceni Egyetem.
Több éves ipari mérnöki tapasztalat: GE Hungary Kft.
Tagja az IEEE Industrial Electronics Societynek, a Robotics and Mechatronics Technical Community, az IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, a Technical Community on Cyber Security és a Technical Community on Robotics and Mechatronics.
Az Elektrotechnikai és Mechatronikai Konferencia (EEMC) elnöke, valamint a Recent Innovations in Mechatronics (RIiM) tudományos folyóirat alapító-főszerkesztője.
Fő kutatási területei: az ipari robotok, az ipar 4.0 és a repüléstechnika.
Rendelkezik PPL (A) elméleti háttérrel, rendszeres gyakorlórepüléseket végez.
Prof. Dr. Géza Husi is the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, a Full Professor, a Mechanical Engineer (MSc, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Production Systems, 1987), a Mechatronical Engineer (MSc, University of Oradea, specialization in advanced mechatronic systems, 2014). He holds a PhD degree (Military Technical Sciences, Miklós Zrínyi University of National Defence, 2006) habilitation: Informatics, University of Debrecen.
He has several years of industrial engineering experience: GE Hungary Kft. He is a member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, the Technical Community on Robotics and Mechatronics, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, the Technical Community on Cyber Security, and the Technical Community on Robotics and Mechatronics. He is chair of the Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics Conference (EEMC) and founding editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Recent Innovations in Mechatronics (RIiM).
He has certification of the theoretical background of PPL (A), performing regular practice flights by Tecnam P2006T aircraft and by Airbus A320-200 type Full Flight Simulator (FFS), CS-FSTD.
Dr. Péter Tamás Szemes

Dr. Péter Tamás Szemes, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineer (MSc), BME, received his PhD degree in Robotics from the Institute of Industrial Sciences, University of Tokyo. Several years of industrial engineering experience: technical director and later chief engineer of the Center for Invention and Research.
His main research interests are Robotics (Smart Space), Behavioral Recognition and Mobile Robot Control in Smart Space. Development of master tools for telemanipulation applications at micro and nano scale.
János Szilágyi

János Szilágyi Departmental Engineer, Economist, Budapest University of Economics (BSc). Computer Engineer, Gábor Dénes University (BSc).
He has several years of professional and practical experience in the automotive industry in the management of Opel, SEAT, Volkswagen, Audi, Renault, Skoda, BMW, brand-related car dealerships and dealership services.
Extensive experience in the implementation of corporate management systems, audits, quality management systems in automotive dealerships. Vehicle sales, vehicle servicing, body repair, refinishing, parts sales processes review and optimization.
József Kertész

József Kertész is an Assistant Lecturer, Vehicle Engineer (BSc, University of Debrecen), Technical Developer Enginieer (MSc, Szent Istvan University).
He has several years of engineering experience at the area of diagnostic and maintenance of heavy-truck ; LKW and PKW technical fault research; damage analysis; malfunction and its results of vehicle.
Erdei Timotei István

Timotei István Erdei is an Assistant lecturer, Mechatronical Engineer (BSc), Mechatronical Engineer (MSc), Lean Engineer, Quality Control Engineer, Doctoral School of Informatics PhD studies in the field of industrial robotics.
Several years of experience as a departmental engineer, research and development, and application of innovation solutions (innovator) at the University of Debrecen.
His main research areas are Cyber-Physical Systems, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, AI/artificial intelligence, Self-driving autonomous vehicles (AGV), Image processing, Industrial robotics, 3D printer / CNC design and implementation, industrial robot simulations, production line optimization, PLC programming, PCB design, automated industrial technical systems, ROS Os - Linux operating systems.
Sándor Apáti, mechanical engineer, assistant professor. Studies: He obtained his complex examinationin PhD at the University of Miskolc.
He has several years of professional and practical experience in the field of mechanical engineering and maintenance.
His research interests include: energy-centered optimization on battery-powered hand tools, vibration diagnostics.
Masuk Abdullah

Masuk Abdullah is a Department Engineer.
He is a mechatronics engineer and former cadet pilot specializing in mechatronics systems and aviation studies. He is currently enrolled in the strategic engineering and sustainability leadership PgD program at the faculty of engineering.
He has completed several projects under scholarships and earned certifications demonstrating his expertise in research and development.
His primary research areas include aircraft technology, aviation, radar-antenna design, technical product and process management, sustainability and leadership.
Imre Miklós Tóth

Dr. Klára Ágnes Törökné Kiss

Dr. Klára Törökné Kiss is the administrator of the Vehicle Engineering BSc, the Professional Pilot BSc and the Air Vehicle Operations Engineer programme students.