The Final Exam consists of two parts:
- Oral exam
- Each student draws an exam item from both of the Final Exam topics. After the elaboration of the items (in writing), the student has to present them in front of the committee.
- Final Exam topics:
- Aircraft General Knowledge
- Communication
- Thesis defence
Final Exam grade
- The student will receive a grade from the Final Exam Committee for his/her answers to the items, as well as for his/her thesis defence.
- All voting members of the Final Exam Committee will evaluate with a five-point grade for each part of the final exam.
- The final exam grade shall be decided by a vote in a closed session after the last candidate has completed the exam, and the results shall be announced by a member of the Final Exam Committee.
- Minutes shall be taken during the Final Exam.
Final exam grade (FE) is calculated as follows:
OE = The average of the grades awarded for the oral parts of the final exam, rounded to two decimal places.
TD = Grade awarded for thesis defence.
Improving failed Final Exam
- If any part of the Final Exam is evaluated as fail, according to the existing rules of the University, it can be retaken.
- The retake of the Final Exam may be attempted in the following exam period at the earliest.
Last update:
2023. 10. 16. 15:11