Human Performance (ATPL)

Code: mk3humpr03hx17-en
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Evaluation: official exam
Year, Semester: 2nd year, 2nd semester
Its prerequisite(s): -
Further courses are built on it: Yes/No
Number of teaching hours/week (lecture + practice): 3+2


The course teaches the basic knowledge of Human Performance to demonstrate a level that grants a succesfull authority exam according to FCL.515 ATPL - Training course and theoretical knowledge examinations.

The course covers the following main areas and give thorough information on:
Human factors: basic concepts, basic aviation physiology and health maintenance, basic aviation psychology, the circulatory system, oxygen and respiration, the eye and vision, flying and health, stress, behaviour and motivation, cognition in aviation, sleep and fatigue, communication and co -operation, man and machine, decision-making and risk

By conducting the course the student will have the knowledge recommended by the EU legislation (AMC1 FCL.310; FCL.515 (b); FCL.615 (b) and will understand the complex knowledge of human physiology and health, risks, fatigue and decision making process under different flight conditions.

Learning Objectives (LOs) published by the European Comission are used when developing the Part-FCL theoretical knowledge elements of the course.

The course is aimed to contribute to the achievement of safe flight during their proposed pilot career. It is crucial that a pilot could be able to recognize the hazard and apply for the well-known procedures in this matter during a flight.


  • Cae Oxford Aviation Academy (UK), Human Performance and limitations, 2015, Isbn szám: 978 1 90620 271 2
1st week 8th week
Registration week 1st drawing week
2nd week 9th week

Lecture: Human Factors: Basic Concepts, Human factors in aviation, Becoming a competent pilot

Practice: Factors in training that ensures the future competency of the individual pilot

Lecture: Human error and Reliability, Reliability of human behaviour, Mental models and situation awareness, Theory and model of human error, Error generation

Practice: Case studies

3rd week 10th week

Lecture: Safety, Accident statistics, Flight safety concepts, Safety culture

Practice: Accident investigation studies

Lecture: Decision-making, Decision-making concepts, nature of bias and its influence on the decision-making process, relationship between risk assessment, commitment and pressure of time on decisionmaking strategies, general idea behind the creation of a model for decision-making

Practice: Decision making case studies

4th week 11th week

Lecture: Basics of Flight Physiologie, The atmosphere, Respiratory and circulatory system, High-altitude environment

Practice: Site visit, demonstration of measurements for Respiratory and circulatory system

Lecture: Avoiding and Managing Errors, cockpit management, Safety awareness, Coordination (multi-crew concepts), Cooperation, Communication

Practice: Site visit, coordination examples

5th week 12th week

Lecture: Man and Environment, the sensory system, Central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems, Vision, Hearing, Equilibrium, Integration of sensory inputs

Practice: Site visit, demonstration of measurements for Central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems, Vision, Hearing

Lecture: Human Behaviour, Personality, attitude and behaviour, Individual differences in personality and motivation, Identification of hazardous attitudes (error proneness)

Practice: Team work, presentation

6th week 13th week

Lecture: Health and Hygiene, Personal hygiene, Body rhythm and sleep, Problem areas for pilots, Common minor ailments, Intoxication, Incapacitation in flight

Practice: Case studies of sleep problems and incapacitation

Lecture: Human Overload and Underload, Arousal, Stress, Fatigue and stress management

Practice: Measurement techniques of fatigue

7th week 14th week

Lecture: Basic Aviation Psychologie, information processing, Attention and vigilance, Perception, Memory, Response selection Learning principles and techniques, Motivation

Practice: Site visit, demonstration of measurements for Attention and vigilance, Perception, Memory, Response selection

Lecture: Advanced Cockpit Automation, advantages and disadvantages, Automation complacency, Working concepts

Practice: Site visit, demonstration of automation

15th week  
2nd drawing week  

A, for a signature:

Attendance at lectures is recommended, but not compulsory. Participation at practice classes is compulsory. A student must attend the practice classes and may not miss more than three times during the semester. In case a student does so, the subject will not be signed and the student must repeat the course. A student can’t make up any practice with another group. Attendance at practice classes will be recorded by the practice leader. Being late is equivalent with an absence. In case of further absences, a medical certificate needs to be presented. Missed practice classes should be made up for at a later date, to be discussed with the tutor.

B, for grade:
The course ends with an official examination as set out in the regulations of 1178/2011/EU, Part-FCL.

Last update: 2023. 10. 16. 15:11