Code: mk3flt1r02hx17-en
ECTS Credit Points: 2
Evaluation: mid-semester grade
Year, Semester: 2nd year, 1st semester
Its prerequisite(s): -
Further courses are built on it: Yes/No
Number of teaching hours/week (lecture + practice): 0+6
Topics and Scedule
The flying instruction is divided into five phases:
(1) phase 1: Exercises up to the first solo flight comprise a total of at least 10 hours dual flight instruction on an SE aeroplane including: (i) pre-flight operations, mass and balance determination, aeroplane inspection and servicing; (ii) aerodrome and traffic pattern operations, collision avoidance and precautions; (iii) control of the aeroplane by external visual references; (iv) normal take-offs and landings; (v) flight at critically low air speeds, recognition of recovery from incipient and full stalls, spin avoidance; (vi) unusual attitudes and simulated engine failure.
(2) phase 2: Exercises up to the first solo cross-country flight comprise a total of at least 10 hours of dual flight instruction and at least 10 hours solo flight including: (i) maximum performance (short field and obstacle clearance) takeoffs and short-field landings; (ii) flight by reference solely to instruments, including the completion of a 180 ° turn; (iii) dual cross-country flying using external visual references, DR and radio navigation aids, diversion procedures; (iv) aerodrome and traffic pattern operations at different aerodromes; (v) crosswind take-offs and landings; (vi) abnormal and emergency procedures and manoeuvres, including simulated aeroplane equipment malfunctions; (vii) operations to, from and transiting controlled aerodromes, compliance with ATS procedures, R/T procedures and phraseology; (viii) knowledge of meteorological briefing arrangements, evaluation of weather conditions for flight and use of AIS.
(3) phase 3: Exercises up to the VFR navigation progress test comprise a total of at least 5 hours of dual instruction and at least 40 hours as PIC. The dual instruction and testing up to the VFR navigation progress test comprise: (i) repetition of exercises of phases 1 and 2; (ii) VFR flight at relatively critical high air speeds, recognition of and recovery from spiral dives; (iii) VFR navigation progress test conducted by an FI not connected with the applicant’s training; (iv) night flight time including take-offs and landings as PIC.
(4) phase 4: Exercises up to the instrument rating skill test comprise: (i) at least 55 hours instrument flight, which may contain up to 25 hours of instrument ground time in an FNPT I or up to 40 hours in an FNPT II or FFS which is conducted by an FI or an authorised SFI; (ii) 20 hours instrument time flown as SPIC; (iii) pre-flight procedures for IFR flights, including the use of the flight manual and appropriate ATS documents in the preparation of an IFR flight plan; (iv) procedures and manoeuvres for IFR operation under normal, abnormal and emergency conditions covering at least: (A) transition from visual to instrument flight on take-off; (B) SIDs and arrivals; (C) en-route IFR procedures; (D) holding procedures; (E) instrument approaches to specified minima; (F) missed approach procedures; (G) landings from instrument approaches, including circling. (v) in-flight manoeuvres and specific flight characteristics; (vi) operation of an ME aeroplane in the exercises of (iv), including operation of the aeroplane solely by reference to instruments with one engine simulated inoperative, and engine shut-down and restart (the latter training is at a safe altitude unless carried out in an FSTD).
(5) phase 5: (i) instruction and testing in MCC comprisetherelevant training requirements; (ii) type rating training on Boeing 737 or Airbus 320.
A, for a signature:
Participation at practice classes is compulsory. A student must attend the practice classes and may not miss more than three times during the semester. In case a student does so, the subject will not be signed and the student must repeat the course. A student can’t make up any practice with another group. Attendance at practice classes will be recorded by the practice leader. Being late is equivalent with an absence. In case of further absences, a medical certificate needs to be presented. Missed practice classes should be made up for at a later date, to be discussed with the tutor.
B, for grade:
The course ends in mid-semester grade based on the assessment of the instructor.