Thesis Topics

If you know which topic you would like to choose or which field you are interested in, you must contact a lecturer from the Faculty who you would like to work with as your supervisor. Once you agree on a topic with your supervisor, you have to negotiate its details with him/her. Please note that if your chosen supervisor accepts your topic, you must register for Thesis I (MK3THE1R05HX17-EN) course at the beginning of the semester via the NEPTUN system.

Dr. József Menyhárt's topics (these topics are suggestions and flexible for modification following your ideas): 

  • Diagnostics of aircraft engines and bearings
  • Sustainability of electric engines and batteries in aircrafts
  • Maintenance of Aircrafts
  • Safety in aviation
  • Sustainable energy in aviation
  • Ethics of using UAVs


Dr. Zsolt Tiba's topics:

  • Kinematic analysis of Torsen differentials and its application

  • Modeling and analysis of a variable geometry turbocharger

  • Modeling and kinematic analysis of multilink independent wheel suspension)

  • Construction analysis of various vehicle wheel bearing solutions and advantages and disadvantages of their application

  • Construction and application of one-, two- and three-stages manual transmissions and its applications

  • Presentation of the technology and the applied machining processes of ..... type ICE' overhaul with its dimensional inspection procedures

  • Kinematic analysis of automatic transmissions constructed from different type of planetary gears

  • Evaluation of Repair Techniques for Sheet Metal and Composite Structures in Airline Operations


       Vehicle Engineering_Aircraft specialization


  • Analyse the (.....) retractable landing gear linkage mechanisc and its haydraulic system

  • Describe the (.....) wheel and the applied brake construction with its hydraulic and control system

  • The (.....) aircraft pneumatic and its hot and cold air system

  • Anti-icing and de-icing solution of (.....) aircraft

  • Piston engine (.....) ignition system and carburettor, providing a proper combustion

  • Piston engine's (.....) performance and power augmentation solution

  • Control of the (....) aircraft constant speed propeller

  • Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Effectiveness in Detecting (Boeing 737) Fuselage Cracks

  • Non destructive Testing of Landing gears of Boeing 737 aircrafts



PhD. st. Timotei Erdei's topics: Academic (scientific) approaches to aviation:

  • Analysis of Air Traffic Management Systems
  • Optimization of Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Process
  • Evaluation of Aircraft Stability and Maneuverability
  • Study of Aircraft Flight Safety Mechanisms
  • Investigation into the Accuracy of Weather Forecasts for Aircraft
  • Evaluation of Pilot Strategies for Dealing with Stressful Situations
  • The Challenges and Opportunities of Sustainable Aviation
  • Study on the Economic Efficiency of Flight Operations
  • Analysis of Airport Development Strategies
  • Development of Autonomous Drone Navigation and Control Systems
  • Evaluation of the Performance of Drone Navigation Algorithms
  • Reduction of Drone Noise Emissions
  • Exploring the Potential of Drones for Flight Instruction
  • Development and Implementation of Flight Simulators for Education
  • Engineering and navigation of Quadcopter in 3D virtual space (Swarm Robotics)
  • Design Cyber-Physical space to test and train aircraft units

Dr. Géza Husi's topics: Academic (scientific) approaches to aviation:

·  The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems in Enhancing Aviation Safety
The impact of AI-based decision support systems and predictive maintenance on aircraft operational safety.

  • Automated Emergency Decision Support for PilotsApplication of expert systems and AI-based assistant systems in handling unexpected emergencies.
  • AI-Based Analysis of Flight Data Logs and Anomaly DetectionUtilizing machine learning methods to analyze flight data and improve aviation safety.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence in Pilot TrainingDevelopment of virtual and augmented reality-based training systems for pilots.
  • Optimization of Drone and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Flight Control Using AIApplication of artificial intelligence in managing drone fleets and integrating them into air traffic.
  • Sustainable Aviation Technologies and AI-Based Fuel OptimizationUtilizing artificial intelligence to optimize flight routes and fuel consumption.
  • AI-Based Air Traffic Control and the Future of Airport SystemsThe role of machine learning and expert systems in improving air traffic control and airport operations.


Ph.D. st. József Kertész's topics:

  • Advanced porous lightweight materials application in aircraft
  • Crashworthiness behavior of fuselage section of aircraft using FEA
  • Crashworthiness safety of small aircraft 


Zoltán Telepóczki's topics:

  • Aerodynamics and structural analysis

    Effect of different rotor shapes and propeller geometries on efficiency and their aerodynamic optimization

    Comparative analysis of aircraft wing profiles

    Non-traditional wing and control plane configurations

    Role of composite materials in modern aerospace industry


  • Powerplants and energy efficiency

    Opportunities and challenges of electric/hybrid powered aircraft

    Comparison of turbofan and jet engines in terms of efficiency

    Impact of alternative aviation fuels on engine performance


  • Safety and flight systems

    Impact of bird strikes on aircraft structures and prevention options

    Problems and solutions in congested airspace

    Aircraft maintenance strategies


  • Space technology and advanced aircraft

    Development, material technology and aerodynamic challenges of hyper-fast aircraft

    Comparative analysis of aircraft and rocket engines

Last update: 2025. 03. 10. 10:47