
Thesis - Professional Pilot BSc

  • General principles of thesis
    • Thesis is the creative elaboration of a professional task (scientific, engineering, design, development, research or research development) in a written form as defined in the bulletin of the training program. By solving the task, the student relies on his/her studies using international literature under the guidance of a supervisor. By preparing and defending the thesis, students who complete the Professional Pilot BSc program prove that they are capable of organising and summarising the theoretical skills and knowledge acquired during the first three years of their studies in a professional way, and doing individual work.
  • Rules for writing a thesis
  • Thesis formatting requirements, thesis binding
  • Thesis topics
    • Students must contact a lecturer (supervisor) from the Faculty and choose a thesis topic.
    • Please find the Department's lecturers and their topics here.
  • Parts of the thesis
  • Plagiarism
  • Thesis submission
  • Home Thesis Defence
  • Evaluation of the thesis

Thesis I dates / deadlines

Date / Deadline Task More information
During registration period
23rd February 2024
Register for Thesis I (MK3THE1R05HX17-EN) course in the 6th semester
23rd February 2024 Choose the supervisor and the thesis topic
17th May 2024 Completing Thesis I course

Thesis II dates / deadlines

Date / Deadline Task More information
During registration period
23rd February 2024
Register for Thesis II (MK3THE2R10HX17-EN) course in the 7th semester
23rd February 2024

Registering for the Final Exam period in the Neptun system
Request form for late final exam registration
23rd February 2024 Finalize and submit the Thesis Topic Announcement Form

Thesis Topic Announcement form

2nd &3rd May 2024

Pick up Thesis Sheet Office 106

Thesis sheet forms  to be completed by 28 May 2024
10th May 2024

Upload to the TURNITIN

Plagiarism | Department of Vehicles Engineering (

Class ID: 38967685

Class Enrollment key: 20240512

17th May 2024

Thesis submission to the E-learning

Thesis submission
23rd May 2024 Application for Home Thesis Defence Application form
24th May 2024

Thesis upload to DEA
30rd May 2024 Thesis submission in office 106 until 11:00 am
30rd May 2024

Home Thesis Defence - Presentation on your thesis

9o'clock, lecture 413.


Last update: 2024. 05. 29. 09:41