



Thesis topics
If the student already knows which topic he/she would like to choose or which area he/she is interested in, he/she should contact the lecturer he/she would like to work with as a topic leader. If the chosen topic leader accepts the topic, the student must register for the Thesis course advertised under the tutor's name in Neptune during the course enrolment period.
Thesis topics offered by the Department's lecturers are available here.
The student may also choose a tutor from another Department as a thesis supervisor. In this case, please inform the departmental administrator so that he/she can set up the course for the lecturer in Neptun.
Rules for the preparation of a thesis
The assignment form (Annex 1) is prepared by the Department, signed by the Head of Department and becomes a compulsory part of the thesis. The original, signed and stamped by the head of department must be included in the paper thesis and in the electronic thesis it must be included in pdf or image format.
A sample file of the confidentiality agreement (Annex 2) is available on the Faculty of Engineering website. The completed confidentiality agreement should be sent to the departmental administrator by email in Word format. Once the information has been verified, he/she will sign the agreement with the Dean and the subject supervisor and inform the student of the next steps to be taken. Details of the confidentiality agreement and related documents can be found here.

Related regulations: § 27 of the University of Debrecen Study and Examination Regulations, and § 13 of the Annex 4 containing the specific features of the Faculty of Engineering.

Confidentiality Agreement - if the company insists on it - the document must be initiated by the student/company and submitted to the Departmental Secretariat by 26.04.2024 at the latest!
Thesis formal requirements
The purpose of this document is to describe the content and format requirements of the student's thesis, based on the current regulations of the Faculty, and also to provide assistance for successful preparation and submission.
-Sample thesis document
-Thesis submission
-Evaluation of the thesis
-Thesis subject
-Thesis assessment


Thesis submission forms: 

- in person and electronically uploaded to E-Learning
- student plagiarism screening and submission of the Checklist is mandatory!



Dátum / Határidő Feladat További információ
Akár már a 6. félévben, legkésőbb a 7. félévben a tárgyfelvételi időszak végéig Szakdolgozat téma, témavezető (és külső konzulens) kiválasztása
Tárgyfelvételi időszak alatt

Járműmérnöki csoportprojekt tárgy felvétele a Neptunban

MK3JPROJ15JG20 - gépjármű specializáció
MK3JPROJ15JJ20 - járműgyártás specializáció
MK3JPROJ15JL20 - légijárművek specializáció
Tárgyfelvételi időszak alatt

Szakdolgozat tárgy felvétele a Neptunban

MK3SZDGJ15JG20 - gépjármű specializáció
MK3SZDGJ15JJ20 - járműgyártás specializáció
MK3SZDGJ15JL20 - légijárművek specializáció

Első rajzhéten - 2024.  Projektbeszámoló
2024.  Szakdolgozat cím véglegesítése


2024.  Szakdolgozat témakiíró lap átvétele 106-os iroda

Szakdolgozat feltöltés az e-learningre
E-learning kurzus

2024.  Szakdolgozat leadása a Tanszéken
106-os iroda

DEA (Debreceni Egyetem Elektronikus Archívuma) feltöltés határideje
DEA feltöltésre vonatkozó tudnivalók
2024.  Szakdolgozatvédés


Last update: 2024. 10. 07. 17:46